A Liturgy for Math Class or Study Time
Master of the universal language of numbers,
Teach me to speak and understand this divine tongue, even if it’s only as a toddler.
Help me emotionally as I relate to math:
To know that I AM fearfully and wonderfully made and able to use and direct my mind in the way I want it to go.
To know that you have made me able to do hard things if I would persevere.
To know that my worth and value is not found in my abilities or disabilities in any area of life – but that I belong to Jesus and have value simply because I’m made in God’s image.
I consecrate this time to you and ask that I would see your beauty in the ordering of these numbers and ideas.
Lines, slopes, angles, shapes, formulas, equations, facts, figures…will you grant my mind clarity of thought, centeredness of purpose, focused concentration and peace in my heart.
Calm any anxiety and feelings of inadequacy. Remind my heart that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of my knowledge of numbers, that earthly training is of some value and translates to training in godliness.
Help me perceive the intrinsic value and purpose of numbers:
I see that numbers describe the relationships between things in your creation.
When I consider the heavens, the moon and the stars, all of their numerical and chemical relationships, how you authored and define those relationships, I pause to consider how great is your love for me.
So many realms use math and numbers:
Scientists of all sorts
Health care professions
Household operations
Business accounting
Financial planning
Chemistry computations
help me to value and appreciate their essential place in my world regardless of my affinity for them.
Father, May you find me a fit vessel for for your kingdom because I have trained myself to do the tasks you’ve called me to- even if it’s things which I don’t prefer. Find me faithful with little, so that I can be trusted with more responsibilities in your kingdom.
Numbers and shapes fill your created cosmos – show me the beauty and glory of it that I might be more in awe of your infinite mind, order and creativity.
To glory in the symmetry, beauty and grace of the ordering of numbers and relationships and to see a part of you I’ve not known before.
I offer my body and mind a living sacrifice to be trained in the character you desire to form in me through the study of mathematics. (I open my mind to receive whatever lessons for life you desire to teach me through my experience in this study.)
Help me to discipline my mind and body to do the things that don’t come naturally or easily to me.
May pride be far from me if it is with ease that I study math. Help me to bless those around me with the gift of help and explanation.
I agree with your purposes for me in the study of this subject and submit my own desires to you asking that you would be glorified in me as I strive to learn what is set before me now.