math songs
Math for the Rest of Us…
Struggling with memorizing math facts?
Is your child starting to learn to skip count or multiply?
Does your child struggle with their multiplication facts?
Is your child artistic, more right-brained?
Is your child the kind of kid that can learn anything if it’s put to music?
Math Songs
The easiest way for kids to master their times tables and more!
These albums take kids through counting by 2s all the way through 15s, Multiplication Tables 2s-15s and Conversions & Area.
Each tune is catchy, fun to listen to, memorable, and easy to sing!
The Collection
Math for theRest of Us...
That’s right – the rest of us! You know, the ones who need to dance, move, twirl and bounce, sing, paint, color and draw, hum and daydream, the ones who maybe struggle to get the information quickly and easily.
Traditional resources are sufficient for many students, but there are lots of us for whom, for whatever reason, math is a struggle. Math Songs will be loved by BOTH!
They’re songs with math facts inspired by sounds around the world, with creative music that won’t insult your sensibilities or intelligence. Kids will be introduced to all kinds of musical styles, meters, scales, ethnic cultures, and of course, American pop culture inspirations.
Math Songs are simple, memorable, immanently singable and I can’t promise you they won’t get stuck in your head and have you dancing around the kitchen, finally getting those those stupid multiplication tables in your head once and for all…
That’s right – the rest of us! You know, the ones who need to dance, move, twirl and bounce, sing, paint, color and draw, hum and daydream, the ones who maybe struggle to get the information quickly and easily.
Traditional resources are sufficient for many students, but there are lots of us for whom, for whatever reason, math is a struggle. Math Songs will be loved by BOTH!
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They’re songs with math facts inspired by sounds around the world, with creative music that won’t insult your sensibilities or intelligence. Kids will be introduced to all kinds of musical styles, meters, scales, ethnic cultures, and of course, American pop culture inspirations.
Math Songs are simple, memorable, immanently singable and I can’t promise you they won’t get stuck in your head and have you dancing around the kitchen, finally getting those those stupid multiplication tables in your head once and for all…

Sarah Brown
Wife and Mother of 7 Children
Professional Music Composer, Teacher and Performer for 30+ years
A Personal Note From Sarah
True confession - I hate math...
I’m not good at it and I never was. It was always hard for me. I think if I’d had songs like this when I was a kid, math may not have been so burdensome for me. So if nothing else, I hope these songs reduce the toxic energy you may experience around learning math!
I want to help us see beauty in everything! Even in the things where it’s hard to see. Math is naturally beautiful to some people whose minds are wired that way. But for the REST OF US, math and numbers can feel incredibly difficult, frustrating and demoralizing. This can lead to ongoing internal feelings of inferiority and even shame. But this should not be! I hope that by bringing beauty to this realm, I can sweeten your life a little bit, and make something that might be really hard a little bit easier, a little more enjoyable, and maybe bring you some more success!